4 # (nov) number of vehicles (1, ) 200 # (fixvehcost) fixed cost for each vehicle 1.0 # (wcost) weight of cost 1.0 # (wtime) weight of time 30 # (maxiter) how many iterations? 15 # (startvar) variant for starting solution (1,,15) 1 # (markdone) 1: mark all passed links done, dep on seq (0/1) 1 # (dorevsol) 1: revise allocation after solution (0/1) 3 # (movevar) variant for moves (1,,7) 0 # (moalloc) how much to move alloc? (1, ) 5 # (chordvar) variant for change of order (1,,5) 0 # (moord) how much to move order? (1, ) 3 # (impvar) variant for moving a cycle for improvement (1,,3) 4 # (cymvar) variant for moving cycles (1,,4) 1 # (cymimp) 1: move cycles only if improvement (0/1) 0 # (tcymvar) 0: try once, 1: try all twocycle swaps 0.0 # (targetcost) stop when cost is less than this 0.0 # (targettime) stop when time is less than this 1000.0 # (starttemp) start temperature for simulated annealing 7 # (intiter) number if iterations with the same temp in sim ann 0.3 # (rcold) cooling parameter for simulated annealing: (0< <1) 0 # (pri) 0: less output, 1: more output 0 # (logfil) output from rupov put on 0: screen, 1: file rupov.log 2.0 # (avsweep) average number of sweeps 2.0 # (vspeed) vehicle speed (m/s)