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MAI0122 Course Information

Course Aims

The course intends to give the student knowledge about
  • Fundamental properties for initial boundary value problems (IBVP's). The concepts of well-posedness for the IBVP. The crucial role of boundary conditions.
  • Fundamental properties for numerical methods applied to the IBVP. Methods for analysis of finite difference schemes for IBVP's.
  • Higher order finite difference approximations, in particular the summation-by-parts (SBP) simultaneous approximation term (SAT) technique.
  • Extension of SBP-SAT to complex geometries: multi-block methods, unstructured finite volume methods, discontinuous Galerkin methods.

Course Litterature

JNO: A Roadmap to Well Posed and Stable Problems in Computational Physics, J. Nordstrom, Journal of Scientific Computing, Volume 71, Issue 1, pp. 365-385, 2017. GUS: "High order difference methods for time-dependent PDE" by Gustafsson,B., Springer Series in Computational Mathematics (2008). GKO: "Time-dependent problems and difference methods" by Gustafsson, B., Kreiss, H.-O., and Oliger, J. John Wiley and Sons (1995). For parts of the course not covered by these publications, relevant handouts and slides will be provided during the lectures.


There will be 3 mandatory seminars, and 3 mandatory problems to be done as home work. No exam in class. Approved examination will give 3 Bologna points.

Summary of course content

A summary of the related but more complete course MAI0106 content is given here.

Related Material

A detailed course information for CME326 is available here.

Sidansvarig: jan.nordstrom@liu.se
Senast uppdaterad: 2019-11-29