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TATA53 Linear Algebra honours course

The slides from the course introduction can be found under the "course material" tab in the menu, other files related to the course are also published there. The course compendium contains a number of problems at the end, hints and answers are included. A list of recommended exercises for each lecture can be found in the course program.

Course Compendium

Updated for 2025. I will mainly follow this text for the lectures. It also contains a number of exercises, hints and answers, the recommended exercises are listed in the course program.

Basic info: Spring 2025, 6 credits, first cycle,more info

Course PM: Course program 2025
Contains important course information and a preliminary plan for lectures and a list of recommended exercises.

Lecturer and examiner: Jonathan Nilsson

Schedule: See TimeEdit

There are 4 sets of hand-in assignments. The assignments should be solved individually and you must be prepared to demonstrate your solutions on the whiteboard at seminars. More details will appear here soon.

Sidansvarig: jonathan.nilsson@liu.se
Senast uppdaterad: 2025-01-20