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TATA71 Ordinary Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems

The results of the exam 2024-01-11 were reported to Ladok 2024-01-22. To have a look at the grading of your exam, please contact the Student Service Desk (Studerandeexpeditionen) at MAI. There will be no “tentavisning”; you can just contact me (Hans) directly if you have any questions about the grading.
Course programme for the fall semester 2023 [pdf].
Subject Area
Mathematics and Applied Mathematics
6 ECTS credits
Course Syllabus
Course syllabus fall 2023 according to LiU Studieinfo.
(Optional course for Mat2, Y4, M4, EMM4.)
Written exam TEN1 (4 ECTS). Assignments UPG1 (2 ECTS).
Upcoming exams (LiU Student Portal).
Examiner and teacher
Hans Lundmark
Cover of the course textbook
D. K. Arrowsmith & C. M. Place, Dynamical Systems: Differential Equations, Maps, and Chaotic Behaviour, Chapman and Hall/CRC (1992), ISBN 9780412390807. Available as an e-book [pdf] via LiU's library (and some parts also via Google Books).
The course is given in English if necessary, otherwise in Swedish.
Previous evaluations
The results of previous course evaluations can be found by searching for TATA71 in Evaliuate.
Changes to the course, fall 2020
No changes to the content of the course, just some minor polishing of the course programme. However, due to low class attendance the previous time the course was given (2018), and also for economical reasons, the scheduled time was reduced from 11+11 meetings to 11+4. Moreover, the course was given online because of the COVID-19 restrictions; practical information about this has been archived here.
Changes to the course, fall 2021
There were some changes to the homework assignments, based partly on wishes from higher powers (“EF-nämnden”) to incorporate more applications into the courses for the Mathematics programme. And one obvious difference compared to last year is that the course has now gone back to ordinary classroom teaching. A side effect of the online teaching is that there are now pre-recorded video lectures from the fall semester 2020 available here on the course webpage. Except for that, there are only minor updates to the course programme and to the exercises.
Changes to the course, fall 2022
Only some minor changes in the course programme and the exercises. Some of the more demanding homework problems have been split into more subproblems, to make them easier to solve (and to grade).
Changes to the course, fall 2023
Switched to a “flipped classroom” format, with the idea of making better use of the classroom time. Otherwise only minor changes in the course programme and the exercises.

TATA71 Ordinära differentialekvationer och dynamiska system

Se den engelska versionen ovan.
Kursprogram hösten 2023 [pdf].
Matematik och tillämpad matematik
6 hp
Kursplan ht 2023 enligt LiU Studieinfo.
(Valbar kurs för Mat2, Y4, M4, EMM4.)
Skriftlig tentamen TEN1 (4 hp). Inlämningsuppgifter UPG1 (2 hp).
Tentamensschema (Studentportalen).
Examinator och lärare
Hans Lundmark
Cover of the course textbook
D. K. Arrowsmith & C. M. Place, Dynamical Systems: Differential Equations, Maps, and Chaotic Behaviour, Chapman and Hall/CRC (1992), ISBN 9780412390807. Tillgänglig som e-bok [pdf] via LiU:s bibliotek (och vissa delar kan även läsas via Google Books).
Kursen ges på engelska vid behov, annars på svenska.
Tidigare kursutvärderingar
Resultaten från tidigare års kursutvärderingar hittas genom att söka efter TATA71 i Evaliuate. För en översikt över ändringar i kursen år för år, se den engelska versionen ovan.

Sidansvarig: Hans Lundmark
Senast uppdaterad: 2024-01-22