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TATA55 Kursinformation

10+10 föreläsningar (kursen går i period 1 och period 2). Några av dessa tillfällen kommer att tillägnas uppgiftsräkning. Examination genom inlämningsuppgifter, 4 omgångar. .

10+10 lectures, some of which will be used for discussing exercises. Examination is 4 sets of Hand-in exercises. The course stretches over the whole autumn semester.


  1. Binary operations, associativity, semigroups. Definitions of groups, simple properties, examples.
  2. Integers, divisibility, greatest common denominator. Euclidean algorithm, congruences, Diophantine equations. Equivalence realtions.
  3. Symmetry Groups. Z_n och and Z_n^x.
  4. Cyclic groups
  5. Permutation groups. More on Symmetry groups
  6. Isomorphisms. Cayley's thm. Homomorphisms.
  7. Direct products. Structure thm for finite abelian groups.
  8. Normal subgroups. Cosets. Lagrange's thm.
  9. Quotient groups. Isomorphism theorems.
  10. Group actions. Burnside's thm. Sylow's theorems.
  11. Rings.
  12. Quotient rings.
  13. Polynomial rings.
  14. Euclidean rings, principal ideal domains, unique factorization domains.
  15. Fields. Field extensions.
  16. Splitting fields. Geometric constructions.
  17. Separable extensions. Finite fields.
  18. Finite fields.


The following leaflet contain some exercises from Svensson, some from Judson, and some from other sources.

Sidansvarig: Jan Snellman
Senast uppdaterad: 2023-11-07