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TATA55 Kurslitteratur

Swedish: Kursbok: Svensson, Abstrakt algebra (Studentlitteratur). Kursen täcker kap 1-6, 8-10,12-14, 16-18,20. Boken finns att köpa på Bokakademin.

English: Thomas W. Judson, Abstract Algebra. Available online, samt på Amazon.

Den som inte gått någon kurs i diskret matematik kan lämpligen titta igenom talteorikapitlet i "Diskret Matematik", av Asratian, Björn, Turesson

Prerequisites for the course are some basic discrete mathematics and number theory: read chapter 1 in Judson and then the chapters on Linear Diophantine Eqns and Chinese remainder Thm in any textbook. You can also read this text on linear diophantine equations and CRT.

List of recommended exercies for the course.

Group theory text by Milne, contains proof of classification of finitely generated abelian groups.

Burnside's lemma and Polya theory. Another manuscript on Polya theory.

Sidansvarig: Jan Snellman
Senast uppdaterad: 2022-10-11