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TATA54 Kurslitteratur/Course literature


The textbook for the course is Elementary Number Theory by Rosen.

I will also use Elementary Number Theory by Stein, which is available in hardcover from Springer, and freely available in electronic form.

I also recommend the book by Peter Hackman , from our department.

Yet another book is An introduction in elementary number theory by Raji.

I will use the text The Gaussian integers by Conrad when teaching about the subject.

I refer to an article by Jolly for an alternative proof of parts of the primiive root theorem.

Other books

  • BAKER. A concise introduction to the theory of numbers.
  • DAVENPORT. The higher arithmetic.
  • DICKSON Introduction to the theory of numbers.
  • HARDY and WRIGHT. Introduction to the theory of numbers.
  • IRELAND and ROSEN. A classical introduction to number theory
  • LEVEQUE. Topics in number theory.
  • SIERPINSKY. Elementary theory of numbers.
  • SILVERMAN. A friendly introduction to number theory.

Sidansvarig: jan.snellman@liu.se
Senast uppdaterad: 2019-11-29