Lecture 12: The Z Transform (continued)
- Lecture 12 - part 1: Inversion
There's a minus sign missing in the final answer of the example (at around 10:00)
- Lecture 12 - part 2: Discrete convolution
- Lecture 12 - part 3: A limit theorem
We do NOT assume that u[k] belongs to l^1 for the Z transform. This is a mistake. For the DTFT however we do.
- Lecture 12 - part 4: The bilateral Z transform
- Lecture 12 - part 5: The discrete time Fourier transform
- Lecture 12 - part 6: The discrete Fourier transform (and the FFT)
Sidansvarig: johan.thim@liu.se
Senast uppdaterad: 2021-05-01